4th Annual Pizza with a Purpose
Rocky Shanower, Joel McKinnon, Alison Kerns
McKinnon Insurance is proud to partner with Park Street Pizza for the 4th annual “Pizza with a Purpose” to benefit the United Way of Tuscarawas County, Inc. on December 17th, 18th, and 19th - Park Street will be donating 15% of their lunch sales to our LOCAL United Way.
Park Street will be offering free delivery to any business in Tuscarawas County who places an order over $50 – Deliveries can be made between 10AM and 2PM on the 17th, 18th, or 19th – All deliveries are PRE-ORDER ONLY and must be made at least one day prior to the delivery request (ie. an order for the 17th must be made by the 16th etc.)
You can place your order by calling 330-852-2993, or by submitting your order via e-mail to parkstreetpizza@frontier.com